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Mon - Fri 09:00AM-5:00PM

Data Privacy Solutions & Compliance

The Data Privacy Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. 10173) is a Philippine law governing the protection of privacy and data handling by all entities.

Essential Data Privacy Guidelines for Organizations

Compliance with the Data Privacy Act is essential for organizations that handle personal data, including businesses, government agencies, and other entities. Here are some key points to consider for compliance:

Data Privacy Officer (DPO)

Appoint a Data Privacy Officer who will be responsible for overseeing and implementing the organization’s data privacy policies and practices.


Obtain informed and explicit consent from individuals before processing their personal data. Consent must be freely given, specific, and properly documented.

Data Minimization

Collect and retain only the minimum amount of personal data necessary to achieve the specified purpose.

Data Subject Rights

Respect the rights of data subjects, including the right to access their personal data, correct inaccuracies, object to processing, and be informed of any automated decision-making.

Privacy Notice

Create and make available a Privacy Notice that informs individuals about the purpose, extent, and manner of data processing, as well as their rights in relation to their personal data.

Purposes Limitation

Ensure that personal data is collected only for legitimate and specified purposes, and it should not be processed beyond these purposes.

Data Security Measures

Implement reasonable and appropriate organizational, physical, and technical security measures to protect personal data against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

Data Breach Notfication

Establish procedures for identifying, assessing, and reporting data breaches to the National Privacy Commission (NPC) and affected data subjects.

Contact Our Team

We're here to assist you. Whether you have questions, need assistance, or want to explore opportunities, our team is ready to provide the information and support you require.